Titles and Transitions
Create a title screen
As all Linux users expect, there's more than one way to do it. This is my way.
Use glav (glav -p S example.avi) to identify a single frame suitable
for use as your title-page background. Saving the .eli will give
you the frame number.
lavtrans -o example.jpg -f i -i 7388 newexample.avi where 7388 is the chosen frame
Open in Gimp2 and overlay a title
Create 125 frames for a 5-second display:
jpeg2yuv -f 25:1 -L 1 -I t -l 125 -j example.jpg | yuv2lav -o Title.avi
There's one snag here. There is a bugt in jpeg2yuv which means
that ti doesn't stop at 125 frames. You'll have to keep an eagle
eye on the bottom left of your screen to get approximately the right
number of frames. It's not critical. It can't be used
without a soundtrack, so we create a silent one to exactly match then
length of our Title.avi, then add the sound to the video:
lav2wav -R Title.avi > title.wav
lavaddwav Title.avi title.wav title.avi
At this point you may wish to get rid of Title.avi and title.wav.
Create a transition - preparation
Home movies often end abruptly, and for that matter, so do their
scenes. I create an whiteOut.avi and a blackOut avi which can be
used in creating fade to white or black.
In gimp, create a .jpg 576 x 768 and fill with black or white.
Create an avi from that (remember the bug - watch the frame count):
jpeg2yuv -f 25:1 -L 1 -I t -l 125 -j whiteOut.jpg | yuv2lav -o WhiteOut.avi
lav2wav -R WhiteOut.avi > whiteOut.wav
lavaddwav WhiteOut.avi whiteOut.wav whiteOut.avi
Do the same for blackOut, then delete the intermediate files. You
won't need them again. It's a good idea to back up whiteOut.avi
and blackOut.avi as you will use them frequently.
Fade to white
You need to take the last n number of frame from example.avi and the
same number from the beginning of your whiteOut.avi, then blend them,
swapping opacity.
ypipe -v 2 "lav2yuv -v 2 -o -25 example.avi" "lav2yuv -v 2 -f 25
whiteOut.avi" | transist.flt -o 0 -O 255 -d 25 | yuv2lav -v 0 -f a -q
80 -o Examplefade.avi
lav2wav -R Examplefade.avi > examplefade.wav
lavaddwav Examplefade.avi examplefade.wav examplefade.avi
You can fade between scenes in exactly the same way substituting the file-names 'scene1.avi' and 'scene2.avi'.
The new, better, mpg file
Stitch them together with
lav2yuv title.avi scene1.avi fade1.avi | yuvscaler -O DVD | yuvdenoise | mpeg2enc -f 8 -I 1 -q 7 -o scene1.m2v
lav2wav title.avi scene1.avi fade1.avi | mp2enc -v 2 -o scene1.mp2
mplex -f 8 scene1.m2v scene1.mp2 -o scene1.mpg
When you have all your scenes ready, it's time to author the disk.