Creating a playable mpeg file
Build an mpeg2 file
The edit list is piped through a scaler and de-noiser, before creating an m2v file:
lav2yuv example.eli | yuvscaler -O DVD | yuvdenoise | mpeg2enc -f 8 -I 1 -q 7 -o example.m2v
-f 8 specified DVD output with dummy fields ready for dvdauthor to fill
in. -I 1 sets interlace-adapted motion compensation. -q 7
or 8 is suitable quantization for DVD.
-f 4 = SVCD, -f=Standard VCD. The quality loss is substantial, but where size is imperative, they can be useful.
The resulting file can be played by xine etc., but....
It is silent! We still have to create a soundtrack.
Make the matching sound file
lav2wav example.eli | mp2enc -v 2 -o example.mp2
Stitch them together
mplex -f 8 example.m2v example.mp2 -o example.mpg
This is one scene completed for your project, but -
there is no title screen and only hard scene changes