
Do you know someone who reads and writes Arabic?

”’?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??????”’

”’?? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ???”’
”’??????? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ???????”’
”’?? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ???????”’
”’TheRiLi – ????? ?????? ??????”’
”’???? ?????? ?????”’

If your browser doesn’t display the Arabic, or you simply don’t read Arabic, Google tells me that this says:
‘Are you a translator or do you understand the other languages”’

”’Provide Content for the Arabs and take in the races that”’
”’Arabic content increase in the richness of your language of love and peace”’
”’Be gentleman and in the evening and provided us with these pages”’
”’TheRiLi – Arab Society for Linux”’
”’Will be back later”’

Early in 2009 someone translated some pages of UserBase into Arabic. Unfortunately (s)he did so as an unregistered user (which we no longer allow) and so we have no way of contacting him (the main reason for disallowing the practice). To my untutored eye, much of what is there is probably still valid, but there are updates and corrections needed. I’m reluctant to lose this work, which could easily be copied and pasted into the new Translate system, but it really needs someone capable of spotting the things that are no longer quite right and correcting them.

If you know someone who may be willing to help it could either be directly translating into UserBase (and I will provide links to the old pages) or by telling me to delete paragraph “da-di-dah” and substitute “da-di-dah-di-dah”. There are always ways and means – we just need a little skilled help Smile

Written by annew in: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

How easily can you read UserBase?

If you speak Ukranian or Danish, excellently.  If you speak Chinese or Italian, quite a lot of pages.  Brazilian Portuguese, German and Spanish are beginning to make real progress.  If none of those are your language, there are very few pages translated.  To see how your language is faring, go to the Language Statistics page and enter your ISO_639-2 code

We now have 79 members registered to translate on UserBase, though only a fraction of that number is working regularly on translations.  For the top group, though, the figures are staggering.  In the last week for instance:

  • Yurchor has touched 788 pages, making 1455 changes
  • MarcusGama has touched 768 pages, with 1416 changes
  • Claus_chr has touched 764 pages with 1454 pages!

Not everyone can manage so much time and speed, but that doesn’t stop some people.  These people have also been very active

  • Qiii2006 made 402 changes
  • Caig made 425
  • Sordon made 123 and
  • Nilli made 132.

while others have made fewer but equally valued contributions. This is the translation activity for the last 21 days:
Active Translators, 21 days

Maybe you have an hour or two with nothing pressing to do?  You can easily get started.  There’s plenty of help available in our Tasks and Tools page.

By now we have completed the transfer of most existing translated pages to the new system, but there are a few glitches.  Where we don’t have a registered translator for a language, the only options are to lose the translation or to copy and paste it into the new sections.  For some languages that’s a feasible option – you only need to know enough to recognise whether a paragraph is matching the English one in content, but what if the language is a non-latin-character one?  I met one such this week.  One page has only a single translation in the old system, but that translation is Arabic.  I know by the structure that it matches most of what’s on the English page, but I’m sure that some bits are missing.  I really need help from someone who can sort that out for me.  It’s not a long page and I’d guess that someone with the right skills could do the whole thing in less than half an hour.

Other skills are needed too – php, css, database-query to name a few.  We have people with all these skills, but too small a team puts too much pressure on a few people.  What is really needed is a group for each task, maybe three or four, so that no-one is being pressured when he has other things to do.  If you can help, please come to Freenode’s #kde-www and talk to us.  You’ll get a warm welcome, I guaranteeSmile

Written by annew in: KDE | Tags: , ,

Because we’re Worth It!

We have a brand new face – introducing – ta-da! – Chihuahua on UserBase!

Marvel at the soft modern look, the new Sidebar that gives quick access to Help files, for new readers and for Contributors, see the rapidly increasing number of pages being translated to a number of languages, learn how you can easily get your language represented, find out how to get your application represented, and so much more!….
Oh yes, don’t forget to look for the Easter Egg!
Written by annew in: Uncategorized | Tags: ,

What’s Special about myLanguage?

Increasingly, UserBase pages are beginning to use Special:myLanguage in links, so what is special about that?  Well, it depends whether you are a reader or a translator.

For readers, it will mean that increasingly they will be taken to pages in their own language.  The way it works is that it is aware of the language that you set in your preferences as your root language – that is myLanguage.  If you click on a link it checks to see if there is a page available in that language, and if there is, that page is displayed.  If no page exists, the English one is displayed instead.  Of course, it only works for those pages that are within our new translation system, so we do need help to enable more of those pages, whether by fresh translations or by copy-and-paste from the old ones.

What’s advantage to translators?  Simply that they no longer have to check for the existence of translated pages before deciding how to define the link.  Using Special:myLanguage means that the moment a suitably translated page is available, it will be displayed from the link.  That’s a time-saver.

It will take time to get all pages to take advantage of this, but it’s certainly a job worth doing, and one that you can help with in the odd hours when you need a change from your usual work.

Written by annew in: Uncategorized | Tags: ,

Who does your blog reach?

You won’t be surprised to hear that at Akademy I spent a good deal of time talking to people about UserBase, how we can improve it, and how it can help with documentation problems.  Several exciting improvements are expected in the next few weeks, but I’m leaving that as a teaser for now.  First I want to talk about just one of the ideas that was floated, as we sat watching people stir the barbeque.

Stirring the BBQ, Tampere 2010

I remarked that I often saw things in  blogs that would be interesting to readers, though probably not the whole blog as it talked of technical matters.  As an example, I remarked that in Plasma, things change quickly, yet there is little on UserBase reflecting that.  Chani’s idea was simple.  Have a space to paste the whole blog so that it can be edited down to the parts that users would find interesting.  I liked the idea, and began to wonder how we could create a scratch-pad.  Eventually I realised that I would be just introducing complexity.  There really isn’t a need for a special area.  Every user has a User:UserName page, which can have sub-pages.  All that’s needed is to use that space as a work area, then, when all is finished, to create a link from the relevant application to a new page for the blogs.
Now all I need is someone willing to try it out and give us some feed-back.  Any volunteers?
Written by annew in: KDE | Tags: ,

Akademy-Team Rocks!!

My last day at Akademy, and I’ll have more to say later about the things I’ve been doing, but one thing I wanted to say right now –

the local team are absolutely great, have done a wonderful job, and have made it all look so effortless! and we all know it’s far from that. We can’t thank them enough.

Written by annew in: Uncategorized | Tags: ,

Can you tell a KeyCap from a MenuChoice?

If so, UserBase needs you.  What we need is not so much geek as bulldog determination.  For our wikis to be really useful in the long run they need to keep to guidelines that will enable them to be used with translation tools – both for localization and for translation to docbook.  Working with our translators we have produced a short guide to which all pages should, in time, adhere.  Since we have so many pages I propose that we tackle small groups at a time, editing them thoroughly, so that they can be marked for translation.  You will find the first four groups on the Translation Workflow page.

If you have a little time to spare while waiting for your application to build, we could really use it – we are looking for long-term benefit.

By the way –

Written by annew in: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

Fast-moving progress with Page Translation

There has been a remarkably fast take-up of the new system, as shown by this graph:

Inevitably we have met a few glitches.  The developers have already fixed a few problems for us, but some of the problems need an awareness when preparing pages for translation.  For the moment we would ask you to read http://userbase.kde.org/Translation_Workflow regularly, to see if new points have been added, and to follow the discussions of other issues on the associated Discussion page.

Soon we will distill the feedback into a Best Practices page, similar to our guidance on PageLayout.  With rapid feedback from translators and the extension developers this should be available in just a few days.

To get a translator account, please email me with your UserBase username, and mention the language(s) you will be using.

Written by annew in: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

Are you joining the Translation army?

Just a reminder – if you are going to trans late in UserBase you need to

  • request addition to the Translator group
  • when you have confirmation, open the page Special:LanguageStats/your-country-code to see which pages need your attention
  • Please don’t use the redlinks in the old language bar – those pages will be lost when migration is complete.
  • Those in the Translation group should be able to see “Translate this Page” on any page that has been prepared.  That link takes you to the page where you choose your language.
Written by annew in: KDE | Tags: , , ,

Finally! TranslateWiki is here!

After almost a year of planning we now have the TranslateWiki facility on UserBase!  What difference does that make?  A lot!  For a start, it means a completely new way of working, if you’ve been one of our faithful on-line translators.  It takes a little getting used to, but it has big advantages for the future, and will, in the long run, save you a lot of work.  To explain how, I need to tell you something about its capabilities first.

You can translate a page on-line – more than that, you can translate part of a page and it will happily tell you next time you visit which sections you still need to translate.
You can export a page to a gettext file, allowing you to work with Lokalize or other translation tool.
Because gettext is an option, you can export for use in building a docbook version.

Producing a Manual

A manual can be written on UserBase as a page or set of pages.  When complete it is marked for translation, and a script (currently in preparation) will pass it to the l10n team who will then use the same framework as they currently do for creating docbook manuals.

Off-Line Translations

A similar workflow will be used by i18n translators. Initially their off-line translations will be checked out from SVN to another location, where it can be imported by one of the UserBase team.  As things settle down the off-line translators will be able to do their own imports.

How Does it Work?

Basically, what happens is that the author of a page adds tags which are recognised by TranslateWiki as marking it ready for translation.  TranslateWiki then prepares paragraphs into sections for translation, and sets up a link to the Translate page.  From there you can choose your export or on-line translation and the language you want to work with if you are translating on-line.
If you don’t have time to complete a page, only the remaining sections will be presented for translation next time you visit.
Of course, to get smooth working you ideally want everything prepared from the start, and UserBase has two years-worth of input which needs migrating.


One obvious question is “What happens to the translations already done for UserBase?”  The work isn’t lost, but can’t be used in that form, because TranslateWiki wouldn’t be able to track it for changes.  That means that we need a determined effort to migrate those translations.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that you don’t need to be proficient in a language to help.  If you can read enough of a language to determine whether a paragraph matches the English one you are working on, you can simply copy and paste.  We will add an explanation of the process to http://userbase.kde.org/Translation_Workflow – which is started but will be expanded as questions are asked.  Meanwhile, if you can spare a few minutes at odd times there are some smaller tasks at http://userbase.kde.org/Translation_Workflow#Migration which, if done before migration starts, would greatly speed things up.
Come and talk to us on #kde-www.  Take the opportunity to find your way around the system, then join up when we announce the ‘Big Bang’ to migrate as many pages as possible in an agreed time-space.
Written by annew in: KDE | Tags: , , ,

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