
So no-one needs new developers?

UserBase Logo

Why do we have a Development category on UserBase, when we said quite clearly, many times, that UserBase is for users, not for developers?  The answer is quite simple – developers were once users, and some, a few, users will become developers.  We don’t aim to have any how-to-develop information on UserBase, but it seems to me that it is only sensible to have brief information about the tools that are available and where to find information and support for them.  Unfortunately, I don’t use those tools, and I’m finding it very hard to get up-to-date information about the status of some of the tools.

The Development page has several gaps:

  • KBugbuster
  • KFileReplace
  • Kommander
  • KImageMapEditor
  • KLinkStatus
  • KXSLDbg

How can you help?  In a number of ways.  If you use one or more of these you could

  • Write a page about it – ideally in Mediawiki markup, but plain text together with screenshots would be a great help.  We have a new scratchpad area,
  • Use the app’s Talk page to give me links to decent material, both for the use of the app
  • and for any related Techbase pages
  • We have a new scratchpad area called Draft where you can start any outline for such information.

A few minutes of your time could help new developers get started, and who knows?  You may find yourself welcoming one of those into your project.

Written by annew in: KDE | Tags: , , ,


  • Well, we developers are users too and we need to use the produced software. You’ll know much better than me how it’s organized right now but I understand that the manuals to use this software should go to userbase and, in case this software can be used to help KDE development, this can be documented in the techbase.

    This is where I think the difference between userbase and techbase looks like it should be.
    userbase: how to use the programs
    techbase: how to develop for KDE.

    In KDevelop we have many users that don’t care at all about Qt/KDE development.


    Comment | June 24, 2011
  • annew

    “This is where I think the difference between userbase and techbase looks like it should be.
    userbase: how to use the programs
    techbase: how to develop for KDE.”

    I totally agree. However, this is the catch22. It takes confident users of each package/tool to provide guidance for new users. I’m simply not capable of doing this for development packages, which is why I’m asking for help, and reminding developers that they may well be helping the next generation.

    Comment | June 24, 2011
  • Burkhard Lück

    Hi Anne,

    KBugbuster is no longer in kdeutils, see http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1193777

    Comment | June 24, 2011
  • annew

    Thanks Burkhard. That will be removed from the list.

    Comment | June 24, 2011

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