
Any Questions?

When we added Questy Capture to our wikis the amount of spam dropped dramatically, but to be efficient we need many questions, used randomly.  We do have a few, but it would help to have a few more.  Today a single spammer hit both UserBase and TechBase.  Of course a determined human spammer is hard to defeat, but bots find this method quite difficult to beat.

A simple definition of a good question –

  • the answer must be simple enough for any interested person to know AND not language or culture dependent OR
  • the question must refer to something actually on the registration page display (which can include sidebar or footer)

Send your suggestions (including answers, multiple if appropriate)  to kde-www AT kde DOT org

Written by annew in: KDE | Tags: , ,


  • James Bozman

    Not a sample question, but Site Point recently made a post about using hidden form fields to prevent spam: http://www.sitepoint.com/easy-spam-prevention-using-hidden-form-fields/

    Comment | July 31, 2012
  • Mark

    I suggest to use some kind of useful questions which could also be used for a statistic.
    Which is your favourite Linux distribution? If your first attempt fails please name one popular distro first and after a space the name of your favourite one (we will add it to the list).
    Since when are you using KDE (all answers between 1997(?) and this year will be acepted)?

    What browser are you using now (the correct answer is determined by the user agent, write only the main name)?

    Please name your favourite KDE application. If your first attempt fails because the application is unknown, please name one app first and after a space the name of your favourite one (we will add it to the list).

    Please name your most hated KDE application. If your first attempt fails because the application is unknown, please name one app first and after a space the name of your favourite one (we will add it to the list).

    Comment | July 31, 2012

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